Research and study of ideologies of social and national emancipation and their application to conditions within imperialist society

“President Xi Jinping’s New Year address presents a profound, comprehensive and touching panorama and survey of China’s present situation, achievements and perspectives”, writes Institute Patron Keith Bennett in a comment featured by China Daily today.

Chinese newspapers feature Keith Bennett’s comments on Xi Jinping’s New Year Address

2 Jan, 2024

Today’s China Daily features an article by Xing Yi in London and Linda Deng in Seattle, Washington, entitled “Experts reflect on speech, highlighting commitment to peace and prosperity”.

The article features the following comment by Institute Patron Keith Bennett, writing in his capacity of Co-Editor of Friends of Socialist China

“President Xi Jinping’s New Year address presents a profound, comprehensive and touching panorama and survey of China’s present situation, achievements and perspectives.

“What is particularly impressive is the way it relates a grand vision to the issues that most touch on people’s daily lives, from the encouragement of grassroots sports and community activities, such as the “village super league “soccer games, to the embrace by more people of low-carbon lifestyles, he said.

“When Xi talks about children being well taken care of and receiving a good education, and elderly people having access to proper medical services and care, he speaks not just to the Chinese people, but also to people’s universal aspirations.

“Making the issues that matter to every family the top priority for government, that is serving the people, is the essence of socialist governance.”


 View the full text of the China Daily article
 View the full text of President Xi Jinping’s New Year Address