Research and study of ideologies of social and national emancipation and their application to conditions within imperialist society

History Papers Research

History Papers Researh aims to makes available to researchers original documents, pamphlets, and other material not otherwise available for researchers, mostly covering the period since the 1970s.




Information resources

The Institute’s library and archive provide information and study materials on ideologies of social and national emancipation.


The Institute publishes books and pamphlets, including reprints of items of historical interest.



The Institute organises seminars, conferences, social receptions, press conferences and campaigning events to highlight particular issues of the day.



Labour government urged: engagement with China should go much further.
Labour government urged: engagement with China should go much further.

In a powerful assessment of the recent visit to China of Chancellor Rachel Reeves, Keith Bennett warns the government that its cowardly endorsement of the imperial arrogance and hubris of the anti-Corbyn turn in the Labour Party impedes the further progress of such engagement. He urges the labour and trade union movement to press for such limited and partial moves by the Labour government to engage with China to go much further.

Prospects for US-China relations in Trump’s second presidency
Prospects for US-China relations in Trump’s second presidency

Prospects for US-China relations in Trump’s second presidency
“The Asia Pacific region is where key issues still unresolved from the 1940s continue to fester,” states Keith Bennett in a speech on prospects for US-China relations in Trump’s second presidency delivered to the London Region of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

Another year of friendship with China celebrated
Another year of friendship with China celebrated

Welcoming the 60 participants in the second annual conference dinner of Friends of Socialist China, Keith Bennett stated: “The fact that you have chosen to spend this evening with us is, I think, a real testimony to our friendship, based on our shared belief that a better world is both possible and necessary.”

Forthcoming Events


Comrade Tongogara (born Danny Morrell), one of Britain’s staunchest and most outspoken supporters of Mao Zedong and friend of socialist China, passed away on May 11 2023. Born in Jamaica, he spent most of his adult life in north London, a life he devoted to the struggle for black liberation, socialism and communism, working tirelessly and supporting every progressive struggle. His belief in Mao’s concept and practice of the mass line made him...

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History Papers Research

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07956 939795


Research and Study

  • The Institute’s principles
    Statement of Principles and other formal documentation.

  • Study of the Juche Idea
    History, establishment of study group, seminars, articles, speeches, publications and other documentation.



