Research and study of ideologies of social and national emancipation and their application to conditions within imperialist society

In an article for China Today, Keith Bennett writes: "British people from all walks of life and backgrounds have been increasingly taking Chinese New Year to their hearts. It has become part of our culture and calendar. This is one more reminder that Cold War hostility and bellicosity do not represent the interests of the people of any country and are therefore destined to fail."

Institute Patron greets Chinese New Year

9 Feb, 2024

In an article for China Today, Keith Bennett writes: “British people from all walks of life and backgrounds have been increasingly taking Chinese New Year to their hearts. It has become part of our culture and calendar. This is one more reminder that Cold War hostility and bellicosity do not represent the interests of the people of any country and are therefore destined to fail.”

Text of the article 
Comment on the speech by Friends of Socialist China