Research and study of ideologies of social and national emancipation and their application to conditions within imperialist society

History and Documents of the Juche Idea Study Group

Study of the Juche Idea by individuals and by precursor organisations of the Institute for Independence Studies dates back to the 1970s, and was given organised form by a major Seminar event in 1985, after which a number of further Seminars and other activities followed in the succeeding years. A key address was made at these events by the Patron of the Institute, Keith Bennett, which will be made available on this website, along with other documents of the Study Group.

The Seminar on the Juche idea organised by Mosquito Press in London. 23 March 1985.

Seminar on National Reconciliation. Called by the Institute for Independence Studies. 15 April 1988. 

Seminar to commemorate the life and work of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung on the theme “For Global Independence”. London. 10 September 1994.

Seminar on the Juche idea and the United Front. London. 9 April 1995.