Is there potential for improved relations between Britain and China? Interview with China Daily. 1 January 2023
Article submitted to the Turkish newspaper Aydinlik. 1 January 2023
The struggle against neo-colonialism and the creation of a multipolar world. Paper delivered to the meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club on the theme “Russia and the struggle against neo-colonialism: the end of the western dictate?” 16 February 2023.
Message of condolence on the passing away of Comrade Suneet Chopra. Message to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of India (Marxist).10 April 2023
Commemorating Comrade Kim Il Sung. Speech delivered at a meeting to celebrate the 111th anniversary of the birth of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and the 45th anniversary of the founding of the International Institute of the Juche Idea (IIJI). 15 April 2023
Speech on the occasion of the launch of the book Capitalism, Coronavirus and War: a geopolitical economy, by Professor Radhika Desai. 27 April 2023.
Conditions are maturing for the final defeat of neo-colonialism. Speech on behalf of the organisation Friends of Socialist China, delivered to Global Conference on Multipolarity, 29 April 2023.
On modernisation. Article for People’s Daily. 29 May 2023. [Submitted 5 February 2023.]
The Belt and Road Initiative is a key component of Marxist internationalism in the 21st century. Speech at the webinar “Building a multipolar world: ten years of the Belt and Road Initiative” co-hosted by the International Manifesto Group and the Friends of Socialist China. 4 November 2023.
Speech to the 13th World Socialism Forum hosted by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Beijing, 29 November 2023.
China and the US: who’s really in a ‘vulnerable negotiating position’? Article in the Morning Star. December 2023
Summing up a busy year of activity for Friends of Socialist China. Speech at a Friends of Socialist China end-of-year social. 17 December 2023.