Research and study of ideologies of social and national emancipation and their application to conditions within imperialist society


Sovereignty, independence and new international relations – key demands of our times
Sovereignty, independence and new international relations – key demands of our times

“Sovereignty, independence and new international relations are the key demands of our times and represent the main trend of the present epoch, despite the obstruction and last-ditch resistance of the imperialist and hegemonic forces,” states Keith Bennett in a speech to an international seminar on the occasion of the 76th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

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Global South leadership in socialist theory
Global South leadership in socialist theory

“Since fairly early in the past century, … the most advanced revolutionary theory largely emanates from the Global South”, Keith Bennett pointed out, citing the work of Mao Zedong, Amilcar Cabral, Xi Jinping, and others, at the launch of a book published by Iskra Press by the Iraqi communist Ibrahim Allawi at the Marx Memorial library on 21 August 2024.

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Anti-imperialist celebration in London
Anti-imperialist celebration in London

80 guests thronged London’s newly-opened Palestine House on Saturday 3 August to celebrate Keith Bennett’s 66th birthday, including representatives of socialist countries and of progressive organisations and other comrades and friends.

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Institute congratulations President Maduro on his re-election
Institute congratulations President Maduro on his re-election

On behalf of all those in Britain who uphold the ideal of independence of countries, nations and peoples, the Institute has sent a message extending heartfelt congratulations to President Maduro, and through him to the Venezuelan people as a whole, on his re-election as President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

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Five Principles of Coexistence commemorated
Five Principles of Coexistence commemorated

In an article entitled “The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have only become more relevant and necessary”, Keith Bennett reviews the historic significance of the principles signed in Bandung in 1954 on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of their signing.

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Visit of W E B Dubois to China commemorated
Visit of W E B Dubois to China commemorated

Speaking at an international webinar on the theme of ‘Black Liberation and People’s China: Rediscovering a History of Transcontinental Solidarity’, Institute Patron Keith Bennett spoke on the historic significance of the visit to China by Dr W E B Du Bois, on the occasion of its 65th anniversary.

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Xi Jinping’s concept of the ‘two integrations’
Xi Jinping’s concept of the ‘two integrations’

Speaking on behalf of Friends of Socialist China at a symposium at China’s London Embassy, Keith Bennett outlined Xi Jinping’s concept of the ‘two integrations’, showing that it is underlines and reinforces the position of Xi Jinping Thought as Marxism for the twenty-first century.

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Chinese New Year has become part of global culture
Chinese New Year has become part of global culture

In an article for China Today, Keith Bennett writes: “British people from all walks of life and backgrounds have been increasingly taking Chinese New Year to their hearts. It has become part of our culture and calendar. This is one more reminder that Cold War hostility and bellicosity do not represent the interests of the people of any country and are therefore destined to fail.”

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Book review: “Picturing the DPRK” by Glyn Ford.
Book review: “Picturing the DPRK” by Glyn Ford.

“By letting the pictures do the talking, Ford does much to humanise the DPRK and its people, and in so doing refutes much of the lurid conjecture and racial stereotyping that all too often passes for reporting on or analysis of the country”, writes Keith Bennett in an article for the Morning Star.

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“‘Clash of civilisations’ an essentially a racist concept”
“‘Clash of civilisations’ an essentially a racist concept”

Writing in Beijing Daily online, Keith Bennett comments that the ‘clash of civilisations’ concept “provides an intellectual and ideological fig leaf for the weaponisation of immigration, Islamophobia, a new cold war, and wars of aggression against countries of the Global South.”

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Friends of Socialist China end-of-year celebration
Friends of Socialist China end-of-year celebration

On 17 December 2023, Friends of Socialist China (FOSC) held a meeting in London to celebrate the rapid advance of their work during the past year. Presiding over the event were the organisation’s Co-Editors, Institute Patron Keith Bennett and Carlos Martinez. Attending the event were individuals, supporters and representatives of many organisations. A report on the work of FOSC in 2023 was delivered by Keith Bennett.

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“Building a multipolar world: ten years of the Belt and Road Initiative”
“Building a multipolar world: ten years of the Belt and Road Initiative”

In his concluding speech to an international webinar marking ten years of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Keith Bennett, speaking on behalf of Friends of Socialist China, who co-hosted the event, shows how the BRI represents the 21st century inheritance and expression of the long history of Marxist theory and practice, marking a new stage when “today it is becoming a material force that is progressively uniting and mobilizing the majority of humanity”.

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“Britain’s disdain for the Belt and Road Initiative goes against the national interest”
“Britain’s disdain for the Belt and Road Initiative goes against the national interest”

In an article published in China Daily, Keith Bennett greets the recent meeting on the BRI, noting that it is in the interests of “countries and peoples with whom China has shared weal and woe for many decades, going back to the days of mutual national liberation struggles against colonialism and imperialism and for independence”. The British government’s disdain for the initiative is all the more reprehensible in that it rejects cooperation with China that could benefit the interests of Britain’s own decaying infrastructure.

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Institute’s Patron addresses meeting commemorating Comrade Tongogara
Institute’s Patron addresses meeting commemorating Comrade Tongogara

On 23 September 2023 a meeting was held in London to commemorate Comrade Tongogara (born Danny Morrell), who passed away on 11 May 2023. Institute Patron Keith Bennett delivered a speech in which he paid tribute to Comrade Tongogara’s lifelong dedication to the cause of socialist anti-imperialism. Institute Director Hugh Goodacre also addressed the meeting.

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Beijing Dialogue on Exchanges and Mutual Learning Among Civilisations
Beijing Dialogue on Exchanges and Mutual Learning Among Civilisations

“Humanity has a history of civilization dating back millennia. Civilizations arose and developed on different continents and at different times. But they prospered and innovated through mutual exchanges and mutual learning. The ancient Silk Road, which began in China, is one of the greatest examples of this.”

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Launch of new book by Professor Radhika Desai
Launch of new book by Professor Radhika Desai

On Thursday 27 April 2023 Keith Bennett delivered a speech at an event at the Marx Memorial Library, London, on the occasion of the launch of the book Capitalism, Coronavirus and War: a geopolitical economy, by Professor Radhika Desai.

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Institute’s Patron commemorates Kim Il Sung
Institute’s Patron commemorates Kim Il Sung

On 15 April 2023 Institute Patron Keith Bennett delivered a speech at a meeting to celebrate the 111th anniversary of the birth of the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung and other important anniversaries, including the 45th anniversary of the founding of the International Institute of the Juche Idea (IIJI). The meeting was convened by veteran Juche advocate, Dr Dermot Hudson.

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Institute’s Patron and Director salute Comrade Suneet Chopra
Institute’s Patron and Director salute Comrade Suneet Chopra

Institute Patron Keith Bennett and Director Hugh Goodacre send messages of condolence to the comrades and friends of the Indian communist politician and trade unionist Suneet Chopra, who has passed away on 4 April, stating that he will be deeply mourned not only in India, but also in Britain, where he was a well-known student activist during the 1960s and early 1970s.

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“Imperialist triumphalism in 2023 will prove to be short-lived.”
“Imperialist triumphalism in 2023 will prove to be short-lived.”

“Imperialist triumphalism in 2023 will prove to be short-lived.” So writes Institute Patron Keith Bennett in a New Year article for the Turkish newspaper Aydinlik, in which he illustrates the further disintegration of the old world order dominated by US-led imperialism and the steady progression towards a new multipolar world order.

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London meeting of Institute Patron with General Secretary of Vatan Party of Turkiye
London meeting of Institute Patron with General Secretary of Vatan Party of Turkiye

On November something 2022, General Secretary of Vatan Party (Homeland Party) of Turkiye Ozgur Bursali met and had extensive discussions with IIS Patron Keith Bennett in London. The discussions covered a wise range of international issues. Concluding the meeting, Comrade Bursali presented an invitation to Comrade Keith to attend the forthcoming Congress of the Vatan Party in Ankara, date.

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Comrade Ivor Kenna commemorated
Comrade Ivor Kenna commemorated

At a gathering of Ivor’s family, comrades and friends to commemorate and celebrate his life, held in London after his private funeral, on July 1 2021, Keith Bennett delivered a memorial speech commemorating his lifetime of dedication to socialist internationalism.

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